(972) 937-4400
Sunday Bulletin
Welcome to First United Methodist Church of Waxahachie! We are so excited you are visiting today!
Let us know you are here! Register as a visitor and receive a special gift on us! Your contact information will only be used by our Pastors to follow up with you and see how FUMC can help you in your journey.
Check out our "New Here" page on the website to learn more about our church!
Traditional Worship @ 8:30 and 11:00 am in Sanctuary
Modern Worship @ 11:15 am in Fidelis Hall
Dr. Kevin Tully, Senior Pastor
This Sunday, we're diving into the important spiritual discipline of guidance. As Christians, faith isn’t just about believing—it's about following Jesus and living out His teachings. But how do we know we're on the right path? One way is by seeking guidance from others, especially within the church community, where we learn and grow together. Join us as we explore how God's guidance often comes through the people around us, helping us stay true to His call for our lives.
Please save the date for our next quarterly blood drive. The event will take place on February 22nd. Pre-registration is required! So please click the link below to sign up to save a life!
You can give online in multiple ways using our online giving platform, Breeze. You can visit https://fumcwax.breezechms.com/give/online or login to your Breeze account to donate online. We are also utilizing our text to give feature! Simply text '$' followed by a dollar amount to (972) 433-5601. For example, if I wanted to give fifty dollars, I would text "$50". Let us know in the office if you have any questions!
Our monthly workday at Waxahachie Care is on Tuesday, February 11th. Volunteers meet to sort donations at the food pantry at 9:30 a.m. at 1208 Ferris Ave, Waxahachie, TX 75165.
This month, we are collecting all shelf-stable products! You can bring your donations to one of our two donation carts at the church on Sundays or during the week, Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Midweek Meals
Volunteer to feed our youth! Every Wednesday at 6:00 pm, we gather to feed our First Kids and Hachie Youth before their evening programs. It’s a great way to support our young disciples. We need volunteers to help provide these meals, and your generosity can make a big difference. Whether you’re an expert chef or just love to serve, we’d love to have you on board. Simply scan the QR code or click the button below to sign up.
Happening This Week
Friday, February 7 - 9
Youth Winter Retreat Weekend!
Sunday, February 9
8:30 am Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
9:45 am - 10:45 am Sunday School
9:45 am - Children's Valentine's Breakfast
11:00 am Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
11:15 am Modern Worship in Fidelis Hall
12:15 pm Wind Ensemble Rehearsal
Monday, February 10
2:00 pm 42 Domino Games
Tuesday, February 11
9:30 am Waxahachie Care Volunteer Day
10:00 am Sewing Group (Chapel)
6:00 pm Bridge Club
Wednesday, February 12
7:30 am Men's Prayer Breakfast @ Cancuns
12:00 pm Discipleship Bible Study
5:30 pm Funday Council Meeting
6:00 pm Discipleship Bible Study
6:00 pm Youth & Kids Midweek
6:00 pm Glory Ringers Rehearsal
7:00 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal
8:00 pm Modern Band Rehearsal
Thursday, February 13
12:00 pm Congregational Care Team
6:00 pm Missions Committee Meeting
Sunday, February 16
8:30 am Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
9:45 am - 10:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
11:15 am Modern Worship in Fidelis Hall
12:15 pm Wind Ensemble Rehearsal
5:15 pm Youth JHO
6:30 pm Youth HSO
Give online to avoid the hassle of filling out a check or going to the bank! Just a couple clicks and you are good to go. Click the button to give. Thank you for your contribution to our work here at FUMC!
We love you and care for you. We want to celebrate your joys and support you in your sorrows. If you have a prayer request that you would like to send to our Pastors and/or prayer team, please complete the form below. The prayer request will be delivered confidentially to one of our Pastors.