This Sunday

Traditional Worship @ 8:30 and 11:00 am in Sanctuary
Modern Worship @ 11:15 am in Fidelis Hall
Dr. Kevin Tully, Senior Pastor


This Sunday, we’re diving into the mystery of prayer. Prayer is something everyone can grow in, no matter how long we've been following Jesus. Jesus taught us to pray, and through prayer, we come closer to God, listen for His voice, and grow more like Him. We’ll also see that prayer isn’t just talking—it’s communion with God. So, come ready to explore how you can benefit from this powerful practice in your daily life.


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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where just knowing the right person made all the difference?
This Sunday, on All Saints Day, we’ll explore what it means to be able to say, “I’m With Him.” As we reflect on Hebrews 10:19-25, Dr. Kevin Tully will lead us through the power of Christ as our High Priest—the One who grants us courage, connection, and confidence to draw near to God. Together, let’s celebrate the saints who have gone before us and renew our hope in the One who promises to be with us always.

Join us this Sunday for Dr. Kevin Tully's sermon, "I'm With Him."

How much of our growth happens naturally, and how much requires intention?
This Sunday, we will dive into the mystery of spiritual growth, reflecting on the childhood of Jesus as told in Luke 2:39-52. Just as Jesus grew in body and wisdom, Dr. Kevin Tully challenges us to consider whether we are allowing ourselves to grow spiritually or if we have settled into a life on "cruise control." Could today be the day you choose to embrace a deeper, more abundant life in Christ?

Join us this Sunday for Dr. Kevin Tully's sermon, "Some Happens Without Trying, Some Doesn't."

Have you ever felt like you were off course but didn’t know how to change direction?
It’s not where we are now that matters most, but the direction we choose. Whether you’re guiding children or adjusting your own path, discover how even small shifts can lead to life-changing outcomes. Come and reflect on how aiming high starts with reaching low in faith, humility, and love.

Join us this Sunday as we explore the importance of life’s trajectory through Jesus’ words in Dr. Kevin Tully's sermon, "Reach Low, Aim High."

What’s holding you back from following Jesus more fully?
Like the rich young man in Mark 10, many of us wrestle with letting go of what we treasure most—whether it's our time, money, or comfort. Have you ever wondered how your life might change if you took that next bold step of faith? This Sunday, we will explore how Jesus' challenge to the young man speaks directly to our lives today, and what it means for us to trust God with all we have.

Join us this Sunday for Dr. Kevin Tully's sermon, “Whatever Happened to That Guy?”

Have you ever been called “weird” for following Jesus? 
This Sunday, we'll explore how living out Jesus' command to love one another sets us apart from the world, even when it feels uncomfortable. As we celebrate World Communion Sunday, join us in reflecting on the unity and fellowship we share with Christians around the globe. Together, we’ll discover how being “weird” in faith is a beautiful calling to live differently.

Join us this Sunday as Dr. Kevin Tully invites us to embrace the strangeness of our faith in his sermon, "You're Being Weird."

Have you ever felt the tension between what you know you should do and what you actually do?
In James 3:13-4:8a, we are challenged to examine the gap between wisdom and our own selfish desires. Why is it so hard to resist that inner pull towards conflict and envy? This Sunday, Dr. Kevin Tully will explore this struggle, and how the wisdom from above offers a way to real peace and justice—if we are willing to let go of our excuses and surrender to God.

Join us as we reflect on how to make space for God's presence in our daily decisions in Dr. Kevin Tully's sermon, "I'd Like To, But..."

Our Pastor

Hey there! Thank you for stopping by our website. If you are searching for a good church, we know we are the place for you. Feel free to check out the "New Here" page linked below where you can find the answers to all your questions. If you have never been to our church before, come by this Sunday! We would love to get to know you. We want to see lives changed here by the power of Jesus Christ, and we see that happen every week when someone steps through our doors. We look forward to meeting you! God bless.