This Sunday

Traditional Worship @ 8:30 and 11:00 am in Sanctuary
Modern Worship @ 11:15 am in Fidelis Hall
Dr. Kevin Tully, Senior Pastor


This Sunday, we’re diving into the mystery of prayer. Prayer is something everyone can grow in, no matter how long we've been following Jesus. Jesus taught us to pray, and through prayer, we come closer to God, listen for His voice, and grow more like Him. We’ll also see that prayer isn’t just talking—it’s communion with God. So, come ready to explore how you can benefit from this powerful practice in your daily life.


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This Sunday Modern Worship will be holding a special service of scripture and contemporary Christmas music that tells the story of Jesus’ birth as we prepare our hearts to receive Jesus again. Come experience the nativity story through scripture and song as our Modern Worship band leads the music, and members of our congregation read the scriptures dear to our hearts. Pastor Val will bring a short message, “The Scandalous Birth Story” based on Matthew 1:18-25, and we will go out singing with joy, and filled with the hope, peace, and love of Christ in our hearts. 

Modern Worship

Patrick Wilson, Lay Speaker

We live in a highly developed world, dominated by the trappings of an advanced society. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by our possessions and our obligations. As we try to please everyone around us, the pressures of the Christmas season can make it even worse. How do we reconnect with the true spirit of Christianity? Our resident lay speaker, Patrick Wilson, will explore that question in this week’s sermon, “Enchanted.”

Traditional, Dr. Kevin Tully, Senior Pastor

In a time of division and uncertainty, the prophet Isaiah delivered a powerful message of hope, reminding us that true salvation doesn’t come from earthly powers but from trusting in God’s promises. As we light the pink candle of Advent, symbolizing joy, we are invited to reflect on where we place our trust and how God’s love calls us home. Come experience the joy of Christmas with us this Sunday!


John was waiting for this. He was born for this. He was living in the wilderness and making space for God to come to him. That’s what those wilderness times of life do for us. They fill us up and prepare us for our purpose. That’s what the wilderness had done for John. It had readied him and filled him to carry out his purpose. God had come to John the Baptist in the wilderness. 

Today, the word of God comes to us. God is God, so God’s word comes in whatever way God wants it to come. But the question is worth asking, “What are the ways God’s word comes to us?” John was in the wilderness waiting and making time and space for this event to happen, but what about us? When and how has God’s word come to you and me? What are the interior landscapes of our life today? How do these states of being within us relate to ourselves and others? As we consider the valleys, the mountains, and hills, the rooked, smooth, and rough places of life, we view life with the good news John brings from the wilderness, the good news of Jesus Christ.

Traditional, Dr. Kevin Tully, Senior Pastor

The second week of Advent is centered on the theme of peace. This theme is based on Isaiah 9:6, which refers to Jesus as the "Prince of Peace." It is a time to reflect on the peace Jesus brings to the world and the reconciliation he offers between humanity and God. Dr. Tully will preach on Peace this Sunday and how it helps us all.


What words would you choose from the Bible that you find interesting?

Wouldn’t it be interesting to have a conversation around a table and ask your friends to list the one or two most important words in their life; the ones that have shaped them, that direct them? I can imagine people saying things like family, or
discipline, or effort, or love, or compassion, or kindness. Those are all good words to live by. This morning, I’d like to invite you to consider a word that I think we all ought to treasure and live by. The word is hope. Come listen to Dr. Tully talk about the word Hope and how it can change all our lives.

Our Pastor

Hey there! Thank you for stopping by our website. If you are searching for a good church, we know we are the place for you. Feel free to check out the "New Here" page linked below where you can find the answers to all your questions. If you have never been to our church before, come by this Sunday! We would love to get to know you. We want to see lives changed here by the power of Jesus Christ, and we see that happen every week when someone steps through our doors. We look forward to meeting you! God bless.